GPS Halloween Contest 2015

GPS Halloween Contest 2015


VOTE today (before 3pm) by liking your favorite GPS Halloween Costume at Gallman Personnel Services Facebook Page, Gallman Consulting Facebook Page and GPSStaffing Instagram!  ALL likes count as votes…and there may be more to come so stay tuned!


2015 Batdog Robyn2                       2015 Maxine Works Out

Batdog & Robyn aka Miles & Debbie St. Mark        Maxine Works Out aka Gloria Purcell


2015 Gansta Kitty                            2015 Tropical Tourist

Gansta Kitty aka Georgette Sandifer            Tropical Tourist aka Rea Parrish


2015 Minions           2015 Zippers

Purple Minion & Yellow Minion                             Zippers aka Karen Smith
aka Laura & Connor Garland

October is Breast Cancer Month!

October is Breast Cancer Month!

Across the nation, businesses of all sizes are involved in raising awareness about this important cause.  About one in eight U.S. women (about 12%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of their lifetimes, according to data on — meaning that you most likely know someone who is a survivor or is suffering or has suffered from this terrible disease.  

As this is a cause that touches the lives of so many, you may like to consider getting involved.  A variety of organizations provide ideas for fundraising, volunteer opportunities, and other support, such Susan G. Komen (, National Breast Cancer Foundation (, and the American Cancer Society (

And if you are so inclined, wear your PINK with pride this month and share fun photos and stories so as a company, community and family we can continue to learn and grow.

Gallman Consulting Gives Back!

Gallman Consulting Gives Back!

With the flooding that is continuing to affect SC, Gallman Consulting encourages our staff to Give Back to their community by volunteering.  Each team member is encouraged to volunteer 8 hours between now and the end of the year…this will be a paid working day by Gallman Consulting.  We will continue Gallman Consulting Gives Back into 2016 by allowing each team member to volunteer one day per quarter through the year.  

Thank you Laura Garland, GPS Newberry Team Leader/Staffing Specialist for volunteering with Samaritan’s Purse!!

GPS Gives Back Laura

“Good afternoon, today I volunteered with Samaritans Purse. We sorted out sheets, blankets, and towels to give out to flood victims.  It was a great experience and I am so thankful that GPS allowed me to be able to do this.” ~ Laura Garland

Forecast: Strong Perm and Seasonal Hiring Ahead

Forecast: Strong Perm and Seasonal Hiring Ahead

CB 4th Q 2015 forecastJob growth may have slowed in August and September, and staffing’s outlook is less robust than it has been, but CareerBuilder says this fourth quarter could see some of the strongest hiring since 2006.

Its quarterly hiring forecast says 34 percent of U.S. employers plan to add full-time, permanent workers before the end of the year. Almost the same percentage of employers (33 percent) say they’ll be hiring seasonal workers. Retailers, who collectively hire the bulk of the temporary holiday employees, are even more sure they’ll be hiring. CareerBuilder’s survey founds 53 percent of retail employers expect to add seasonal workers, a full 10 point jump over last year.

“Our study is reflecting a durability in the U.S. economy and labor market,” said Matt Ferguson, CEO of CareerBuilder. “Employer confidence is widespread and the strongest we’ve seen since 2006.”

Pay, too, he said, is expected to improve over last year. The survey found 37 percent of employers planning to increase pay for their seasonal hires, an increase of 10 points from 2014. Seventy-two percent will pay $10 or more per hour while 19 percent will pay $16 or more.

According to the survey, which CareerBuilder and its partner Harris Poll conduct quarterly, 39 percent of employers added to their full-time permanent workforce in the 3rd quarter. That was 5 points more than CareerBuilder predicted in its mid-year job forecast, and five points over the 34 percent of employers who added permanent workers in the same period last year.